Monday, July 23, 2012


by puthoOr photOgraphy (away till mid August)
For the general public fishing is identified with the classic fisherman who goes before dawn to collect the nets shot the night before. This biblical concept, for years has given way to technologically advanced systems for identifying and encircling the large schools of fish. Professional fishermen Italians are among the brightest and best equipped in the world, with the obvious result of increasing poverty of the waters that flow through our country. Sport fishing is no different from that for the only professional equipment, or for non-marketing of the catch, is different because it is a sport (though not in the classic sense of the word) and qust'ottica be seen and experienced.

In most sports, two or more athletes are measured in competition with each other to get a result victorious opponent, but if we exclude the fishing competitions where teams or individuals compare their technical training, fishing sees opponent as the fish. This small detail is often forgotten and especially the novice fisherman, sees his opponent as the crew is fishing in their vicinity or the most renowned fishing port, which must be fought at all costs to prove to be better.
Sport fishing is not exactly that, is a philosophy of life that must hold out a good relationship with the sea and especially with its inhabitants. Those who begin to fish is prone to engage in any subterfuge to be able to fool some fish, sometimes this can help to hone the craft and technique, but sometimes can lead to a wrong mentality that could create an entirely distorted the sport fishing. The order to arrive at a result to be achieved by collimating all the pieces of a mosaic, which alone would be enough to be charming and very often create an atmosphere satisfactory. The preparation of equipment, study and testing of the nodes, the search for the 'most suitable bait, discover new dry and all that surrounds a day of fishing, have become rituals, in addition to leading the search for prey, to enjoy a day at sea that could be unique and unforgettable.
Try to imagine what a day at sea with the first light of dawn, that spring on the horizon and the sound of banging under the keel of the boat. Now let's think of the rods in rod holders, slightly bent dragging two lures at depth. The wait is full of flavors, smells and sensations, but then something happens, a continuous noise breaks the silence, is a fish that attacked the bait. All our efforts will pay off in a few seconds, the trick worked, and from 'the other side of the line is the expected prey. Start the recovery (more commonly known as combat) full of excitement and uncertainty, but that's the big game.The true angler should not take too many advantages, you have to give the best chance of saving the fish, but always taking into account the limits of their possibilities. And 'right to use monofilament ultra thin and have a low ratio of line and load rotura weight of the fish, but it is also unfair to leave the fish with the terminal and even an artificial mouth. We must therefore know the limit of your abilities, make sure to balance the capture and try to always improve its own performance, up to the fullest maturity that can lead to the liberation of the prey after they have been "defeated". This can not be identified by simply catching fish, this is much more, is sport fishing.

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