Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fishing techniques.

Photo by Conor Keller |

Fishing techniques.

For the use of offshore trolling lures is widespread, but not too much. Predators in our waters that may undermine a fake fish, a feather or a spoon, then many are not, unlike other parts of the world where this type of bait is widespread. But the Mediterranean fish, and particularly those that go off our coasts, are technically savvy, do not trust a trap that is not good to eat, even if it is an imitation done well, as it should be presented. For this, the first thing to consider is the type of fish you want to undermine. Fish bearing the sword, as the imperial eagles and the swordfish, and sharks with them, do not care even a 'lure, that the former could also come to grasp, but which surely would refuse, as in their there is a way of preying time to stop for food in the mouth before swallowing. And the lure, hard or soft, have no taste of fresh fish and are then spit out. The problem becomes even more evident with the sharks that have a remarkable sense of smell, can not be fooled by a certain thing with their food has nothing to do.

However, there are species that attack the lure methodically, if it is presented to them as circumstances require. Among them we can mention tuna, tuna shoal, the alalunghe, the skipjack and dorado, which are so trolling the main targets. Once again we are at sea, with Roberto Steiner, preferring its systems while trolling with natural baits, does not reject the artificial and knows the secrets of employment.

"There are two types of trolling - Steiner says - that purely surface and the deep, and with this I mean the second one is the one that really midwater to bottom. The differences are enormous, both because it is to meet the fish quite different, and because changing baits, frames, tools, the movement speed of the boat, and fishing techniques. It makes me smile when I see use of artificial randomly or even counterproductive. Yes - Steiner continues - c 'is much confusion in the field. "

He argues that there are a number of founded scientific leading to attack a lure imitating a fish or reject it. Beyond the theoretical reasons (on which would be of little use the dissertate) remains the fact that some species appreciate a type of artificial in a statistical way, so as to be able to assert that it is safe bait. In other words, if towing with a feather from 20 centimeters to one meter above the water surface, in a hundred fishing trips are assumed to have fifty bites of tuna, which means the bait is best for that fish, in those circumstances. But that does not mean that it is always absolute. Therefore, in principle, it can be groped a framework of preferences. Tuna, dorado, alalunghe, skipjack, the feathers seem to prefer Japanese-style in various colors and sizes in which they are available. Moving further inshore (always trolling, but not offshore), the amberjack can attack both the feathers that the spoons, while the bottom snapper are attracted to shiny spoons. They are functional even great games that imitate fish mackerel, horse mackerel, garfish, fish or fancy, but you know how to use, otherwise the absolute failure. Steiner argues that even in trolling you can perform some kind of bait, just "trolling". It is put in water at the stern of the boat a lot of brumeggio special (and maybe even a network with sardines pounded), creating a wake behind the boat itself, which goes against large areas of sea, with a pace that takes account the type of fish you want to undermine. If you can get in the wake, for example, a tuna attracted by the odors of the pasture, by detecting echo on the screen, it must be taken to ensure that the meeting of the fish with the artificial both as random, but it happens.

How you choose to pull a feather in tuna? Only his experience, combined with that of other fishermen who operate in the same area, size and color can be said of a feather. Suffice to say that lures proved excellent in the Ligurian Sea have become non-floaters in the northern Adriatic.

A criterion that is a valid result (for the same water temperature, when the season) is as follows: use feather light type, then white, white / yellow, white / pink, from dawn till about noon, then, in the hours of maximum brightness, from about 12 to 15, choose darker feathers, red, dark yellow, yellow / blue, yellow / green, then, within hours of returning to earlier. A mention should be made regarding an artificial intelligence that is handmade. This is a fake fish, about 30 cm, which closely resembles a mackerel, armed with a single hook of considerable size, has within it a small cavity, with rear opening, inside which you can put a product attractant (or the material to be ground bait). While traveling, keep this bait a natural smell and also shines through the carpet in the metal screen, like a little halo attractant, if a fish came in the wake (or has failed to portarcelo) go to this I feel the artificial 'smell that seems very natural.

Steiner says that as far as trolling is difficult to give advice, because while natural bait is always a delicacy, a formula is infinitely more susceptible to the whims of the sea and its conditions, the single will of reaction in each big fish . He also claims that you can not go trolling at random, but it must be proved in the proper season for each species. Then, only after it has ascertained the presence of the fish should go out to cross the sea.

Steiner prefers to fish with lures the days where the sea is not perfectly smooth, but has that kind of ripple that makes it rough without being annoying. "You're better off in a boat - he says - with a little 'wind and the fish are less good vision from under the hull and bait seem more real."

Firm believer in "science" of fishing, insists on the importance of the study by each angler of the whole action. To establish a basis of certainty the effectiveness of an artificial bait, must be observed every day for many elements: the date - the general weather conditions - the weather conditions of different times of day - the distribution of sea surface (smooth , creased, move, etc.) - the transparency of water - the temperature of the water - the presence of currents - the presence or absence of fish mangianza and nature - the presence or absence of birds and their behavior - the dominant wind direction - the direction of the boat against the wind - the different speeds required by the boat - use or otherwise of any pasture, and their nature - color and size of bait used - hours of operation of individual baits - baits working depth - kind of final used with bait - the final frames - mainline used - used reel - rod machine - ratio of rod, reel, line, final bait - more pipes working together and how - behavior on board during fishing action (noise , movement, shadows, etc.) - in case of bite, time and the condition of your fish - holding the hook or hooks - fighting and recovery - to observe where the fish has been hooked, and how.

With all these elements, considered at the end of a season, you can draw conclusions and make judgments. But the fishing is done to ask, is not fun? Some, in some respects, may seem like a job. And what seems to be told everything, and yet not all. There are other things to remember than just instinct and daughters of that certainly more than a fisherman makes a great angler. True, Steiner?

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