Sunday, July 22, 2012


 Photo by pacres
Our prey will be represented by tasty glasses (they are the main attraction), from cod of all sizes, from large redfish to bottom, from fish and horse mackerel super blade, from huge conger eels, large groupers, red gurnard also known to be delicious as shards or capon; other potential customers may be groupers, rays and even swordfish and sharks in general; prejudice still more unthinkable surprises. Of course, to be sure, really need boats to sea, no less than 8 meters long, with twin engines and fast means of radio positioning, depth sounders to be significant, skipper supplied with good navigational skills, equip sufficient numbers (at least three people ) and a lot of passion.

The theater and the timing of fishingThere will always find a large offshore shoals of that rise from the abyssal depths to climb to "a few" hundreds of meters. Only in the basins where the rushing waters near the coast we can already draw with the land still in sight. Normally the best places are those characterized by significant differences in height. For the detection of shoals are sometimes sufficient, as I have repeatedly seen in person, the information provided to us by common nautical charts and is very valuable information that, if we are lucky, we get less buttoned sports colleagues and professionals specialized in fishing gill nets and bottom parangali; are excellent data collected by ourselves during any type of navigation through our depth sounder, these explorations will take us to the "discovery" of underwater formations are not reported in the maritime cartography and kept secret by the few that know or, at worst, completely unknown where, of course, deep-sea fauna is more abundant and more available than elsewhere. Of course, every "good point", however, pointed out, will be inserted in the memory of the electronic equipment on board.The beauty of this particular type of boat fishing is that as a rule - and subject to a slight priority for the colder months - there are times or seasons which refer more or less accurate, this is because, regardless of the time, we can always bump into one or several groundfish species present on the spot in rotation throughout the year. In short we can fish in any season and at any time provided that, we mean, the weather conditions are oriented toward 

the handsome building.

The equipment floatersIt does not seem evil to dwell on the most appropriate tools for specific fishing for which we are dealing with. Please note that the following instructions are valid for depths up to 200-250 meters high, the most practiced and practiced at the amateur level in our seas, as the depth increases the power tool must be gradually increased particularly in relation to the diameter wires (mainline and terminal), the weights and the size of hooks. As just one example of the poundage of dacron main line running from a minimum of 20 could rise to 80, the diameter of the end of the nylon will go from 0.60 to 100, the weight of the weights can increase by 2-3 pound up to a kilo, the same holds true for the means of recovery of the lines.

Are fine strong reeds of "Boat" in length between two and three meters, with rather rigid tip action. Its reels will be fixed drum rolls with a high capacity, such as to contain at least 300 yards of 30 pound Dacron, we take as normal trolling rods supported by the respective reels (rotary drum) provided that they are the least number 6 / 0 in order to prevent the fishing line salpaggio time required truly endless. In recent years there has been growing a new tool designed and manufactured in various versions of an Italian house (the Cuneo Kristal Fishing) whose function is to sail quickly and tranquility hundreds and hundreds of feet of fishing line. This accessory, which is normally supplied in a special barrel, is manually operated or electric clutch with self-adjusting in relation to the weight and resistance opposed by the prey brought to the surface. E 'useful in all cases but, again, it becomes almost essential when more than 250 meters. To complete the discussion I must add that even the simple "downrigger" trolling, spooled with Dacron instead of braided steel cable, can provide fairly rapid recoveries and sorted. The wire is the most suitable dacron which, given the lower elasticity than nylon, allows to warn the best "speakest" even if not violent, it is preferable to move towards the lower sections (20 to 30 pounds) in order to minimize the 'slope of the lines determined by underwater currents or by the displacement of the boat. In this regard it should be emphasized that even with these reduced poundages, we will have the opportunity, within certain limits, by a judicious use of the clutch, you're right of prey of considerable size and aggressiveness. One should not forget that the generality of the bodies have their normal habitat near the bottom lose most of the forces, until complete exhaustion, when vengno quickly raised to the surface. Instead will resort to nylon to build the terminals. These, in the standard version, consteranno a body line by 0.60 meters to 1.50 meters long by 6 and six arms will travel with their hooks, the maximum number allowed bolentino sport. Beginning and end of the "body" will place two sturdy swivel snap hook with the highest intended for connection to the mainline and the lowest docking of lead. The armrests, nylon of 0.50, will be 15-20 centimeters long and staggered through the use of three-way swivels, at identical intervals. The hooks (vane, tin, short, straight or slightly bent) will be of the numbers from 13 to 9 (see Nautica n. 411, at page 1996. 98) or, according to a different table use quite aware of, no. 4 no. 2/0. Only if we happen to come across herds of hungry fish knife or sword will temporarily replace the armrests must be with others of nylon braided sheath equipped with heat seal from 20-30 pounds. In these cases, to better secure the tightness of the node, it will be necessary to use hooks eyelet.Lead is perfect cone, pyramid or ball. It - in relation to the depth, current, to the section of madrelenza and to the fact that fish on the anchor or drift - will be of variable weight between 300 and 500 grams. The special draft summarizes the essential data for the construction of a final in the most basic version of only two meters.A retrieval system that is certainly useful in the dark deep which will accommodate our baits is constituted by a common starlight inserted, by means of a spezzoncino scoubidou, closely behind the eyelet of the swivel three-way to which is attached to the armrest (see drawing above).Other necessary tools are always tile wide mouth, the hook ferraggio, tongs slamare the most dangerous prey, gloves, bulky plastic containers for bait and the fish, one or more body belts fighting.The anchorEven at altitude can result in fish, but, except in special cases which we discuss later, is much easier and less complicated to stop fishing. Purpose we will need a special anchor, ie the one with a long stem and arms of iron rod or steel that, in the event of grounding, bend or addirizzano in order to release the tool.Anchors of this type are now commercially available and is not necessary, contrary to what was happening until a few years ago, have them specially built, they should roughly weigh about one kilogram per meter of boat length. In any case, a further caution so as to avoid the loss of the "iron" is the so-called reinforcement Genovese. To ensure sealing of the anchor is usually inserted between the latter and the rope that supports a length of heavy chain and 3-5 pounds from 5 to 10 meters long, even if it continues to move the boat to do is tie, upstream of the chain, a weight equal to that of the anchor More or less usually constituted by a concrete cube provided maniglioncino of metal. In several cases, where the seabed has tall rock formations and frequent, convenient to drop, instead of the anchor (which, despite all precautions taken, might be lost), a simple "hook" consisting of a metal which are welded collar arms without flukes, which is also available in specialty stores.To retrieve the anchor with the winch needed exasperatingly long time. Instead, the operation will be much quicker if we adopt the following system I have experienced only recently:'ll tie a fender to a large circle steel rod with a cross section of 5-6 mm and a diameter of 10-12 cm, within this circle will flow the top; giving engine and proceeding in a straight line we will see the fender farther and farther away from our aft until the moment in which, passed over the chain, it will stop at the turn of this last and the still maintaining all the surface; at this point we will describe a wide curve to the boat to take us close to the fender and we will recover quickly and effortlessly by hand top, anchor, chain and possible additional ballast. 

The choice of the placeAfter reaching the desired dry place where we find the decline of our lines. As usual, we will exclude the plateaus that form the climax of the underwater formations and try instead to bring about the "fall" that usually but not necessarily insist on the outer edges of the shoal, I say not necessarily because it can happen that, in submarine topography of the system on which we will, there are hills and depressions with its slopes and valleys, just as it does on every stretch of mountainous or hilly land that you respect. Once we made our choice to try to determine the direction of movement of the boat caused by wind and / or current. The easiest thing is this: caleremo polystyrene with a signal flag and ballast designed to dive as needed to maintain the flag pole in a vertical position, stop the boat keeping an eye on the well counter (which obviously will not stay still but it move at a speed considerably reduced), we can make our accounts with considerable accuracy, after which, starting from the point detected,'ll climb the wind and the current of a few tens or hundreds of meters (the distance the we deduce the depth and speed of movement the boat) and caleremo anchor; if we have done well in our calculations, after a few minutes, we will stop at the desired location or in the immediate vicinity 
The fishing actionThe bait is represented by the sovereign sardine, as well as being the most appreciated by our friends who live in the abyss, is usually available fresh all year and, although frozen, retains much of its attractive power. The trigger is a classic pieces (3-4 pieces per each unit), but may be beneficial also garnish with a few love Sardinian whole or cut in half. Anchovies, besides the higher cost, are worth almost as much as sardines. Other baits, no additional alternatives can be made from fillets of squid or squid, octopus or cuttlefish small.In dropping the lines, especially if the ballast will be heavy, we will have to be careful to slow down a little 'leakage of the wire in order to avoid that, due to the speed, the armrests twisting around the body of the terminal. Once you reach the bottom few feet of line will recover and again until they give in to take the lead in "touching and not touching." Normally the wire is held with the fingers to feel the bite more noticeably, when we will feel a tug to shoe but did not proceed immediately to pending recovery of subsequent attacks of other fish to love others, after these attacks or more in their absence, after a few minutes waiting to'll salpaggio. Of course, if the touch will be strong enough to make us believe he had hooked a single fish of extra dimensions will pull out our job without giving a moment's respite to the ladies attacked the other side. At this stage, if manually operated upon, we will either enhance or reduce the tensile strength taking into account the oppostaci; will then be the size of the prey to suggest that the crucial moment when the hook or use the tile. A different system than with the line in hand is to arrange the rods in an almost horizontal position and having carefully observed their vettini: When we did a little 'eye inflections of the latter we will know with almost absolute certainty , what is happening on the far bottom. Sometimes it may happen that, during the hauling or recycling of the line, we feel a sudden sharp tug: usually, this will represent a fish knife or sword which, in 90% of cases, with its formidable teeth trancerà the arm bearing the hook on which it was reckless. In such a situation - especially if the event will repeat burglary more than once and until the herd will remain under the boat - there will be more to do than replace, as already said, the arms of nylon with metal cable in alri heat-sealable plastic from 15-20 pounds. Caution: Blade eat fish almost always above

the mezzacqua, hard on the bottom.

The fishing comesWe may be lucky enough to meet the good day for fishing on the drift: or almost complete absence of wind and surface currents and bottom. But, unfortunately, a large hill that happens very rarely. By contrast, the boat will tend to move usually more or less quickly even if we have attempted to correct the interference by placing in water a good floating anchor.We will have the opportunity to choose one of these two solutions.

Lead upstream of the site good and, once sorpassatolo by the effect of leeway, giving engine to climb up to the point of departure. This system has the defect that, to stay in fishing just a few minutes, we lose a lot of time to cast off the lines, to go back and fall again to the lines themselves.
Fish with the engines turned on so that the skipper is able to keep the boat stops on the basis of data supplied by the echo and the electronic instrumentation of positioning. This is the best way to fish in high waters, I would say from 400 meters up. But the peace and quiet of a beautiful farewell bolentinata!

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