Monday, July 23, 2012


by puthoOr photOgraphy (away till mid August)
For the general public fishing is identified with the classic fisherman who goes before dawn to collect the nets shot the night before. This biblical concept, for years has given way to technologically advanced systems for identifying and encircling the large schools of fish. Professional fishermen Italians are among the brightest and best equipped in the world, with the obvious result of increasing poverty of the waters that flow through our country. Sport fishing is no different from that for the only professional equipment, or for non-marketing of the catch, is different because it is a sport (though not in the classic sense of the word) and qust'ottica be seen and experienced.


In the early eighties, the United States, to meet the demand of the yellow fin tuna fishing on the banks of California, aboard a large boat, with five or six railways and contemporary behemoths of 70-100 kilograms fleeing from all sides , the rods were designed specifically designed to pump large prey vertically: the stand-up. The stem of these rods is not only considerably shorter than the traditional ones, given the vertical thrust that has to exercise, but it is, in most cases, of drums breakdown. 

The main characteristic that must have is to distribute the power of return of the stem, in proportion to the thrust exerted, contrary to that of the fish. To explain it in words more simply, the drum stand-up does not oppose the prey into fixed power with maximum traction exercised, but the power increases with the curvature of the stem in three or four phases prevalent. This will give a first action of a certain power (eg 12 pounds), usually of the tip, a second (eg 20 pounds) with flexion to three quarters of the drum and a third (es.30 pounds) when the trunk flexes to handle (sometimes even more). In fact, these rods are not usually labeled with a fixed poundage, but with variable power: eg. 12-20, 20-50, 50-80 etc.. The handle, ie the part made of neoprene or similar materials in front of the reel, is much longer than the traditional pipe. This solution proves to be invaluable as the use of these tools in fisheries. The neck is (the part between the reel and the cruise that fits into the fighting belt) is considerably shorter than the handles to use in fighting chair with belts or groin.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


 Photo by pacres
Our prey will be represented by tasty glasses (they are the main attraction), from cod of all sizes, from large redfish to bottom, from fish and horse mackerel super blade, from huge conger eels, large groupers, red gurnard also known to be delicious as shards or capon; other potential customers may be groupers, rays and even swordfish and sharks in general; prejudice still more unthinkable surprises. Of course, to be sure, really need boats to sea, no less than 8 meters long, with twin engines and fast means of radio positioning, depth sounders to be significant, skipper supplied with good navigational skills, equip sufficient numbers (at least three people ) and a lot of passion.

Fishing techniques.

Photo by Conor Keller |

Fishing techniques.

For the use of offshore trolling lures is widespread, but not too much. Predators in our waters that may undermine a fake fish, a feather or a spoon, then many are not, unlike other parts of the world where this type of bait is widespread. But the Mediterranean fish, and particularly those that go off our coasts, are technically savvy, do not trust a trap that is not good to eat, even if it is an imitation done well, as it should be presented. For this, the first thing to consider is the type of fish you want to undermine. Fish bearing the sword, as the imperial eagles and the swordfish, and sharks with them, do not care even a 'lure, that the former could also come to grasp, but which surely would refuse, as in their there is a way of preying time to stop for food in the mouth before swallowing. And the lure, hard or soft, have no taste of fresh fish and are then spit out. The problem becomes even more evident with the sharks that have a remarkable sense of smell, can not be fooled by a certain thing with their food has nothing to do.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Fighting a Fish – The way to Fight a Fish

Photo by Theophilos
You've bought your tackle, spent money on trap, and actually convinced A fish to bite ones hook. He's hooked in addition to running - now what happens? Just how do a person fight a fish? Lots of anglers don't catch a lot of fish because they have no idea some simple procedures for fighting a fish. You need to use very tool you can easily when fighting a bass. If you do this right, the size associated with fish you can basically land on light tackle will amaze you!

Techniques Fishing tackle

Photo By Fadzly @ Shutterhack
Fishing tackle is a general term that refers to the equipment used by fishermen when fishing.

Almost any equipment or gear used for fishing can be called fishing tackle. Some examples are hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, rods, reels, baits, lures, spears, nets, gaffs, traps, waders and tackle boxes.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

safety fishing tips

Photo by :
- If employing a boat to fish, wear your life jacket and ensure that your passengers wear theirs, too !
- Use caution when baiting and removing hooks
- don't fish on unauthorized waterways
- If operating a houseboat, take care of carbon monoxide build-up round the boat
- Obey the posted speed limits and wake warnings if employing a watercraft when fishing
- Bring along additional safety things like water, flashlights, maps, and a cellphone or radio